Investment Philosophy
Our Investment Philosophy is rooted in Strategic Asset Allocation. We craft our portfolios through the lens of Modern Portfolio Theory, adhering to prudent diversification and an acute assessment of risk and volatility.
We tailor portfolios through a core and satellite approach that provides our clients with inexpensive index exposure complemented by best in breed active management. These alpha generators are sourced through our Asset Consultants that research and thoroughly evaluate the investment managers and its strategy.
Finally our advisors form part of Hayman’s Investment Committee. On a quarterly basis the Committee conducts review and due diligence on current and potential investment managers.
You should expect:
- Global Investment Approach & Reach
- Highly Liquid & Cost Effective Investments
- Full Transparency
- Large Institutional Sized Managers
- Directly held Australian shares
- Daily Pricing Updates
Guiding Principles
The key to a suitable asset allocation is the inclusion of multiple asset classes. The ability to generate uncorrelated returns within your portfolio allocation is paramount.
Our investment platform is driven by our institutional size and scale capabilities that allow us to access the best-in-class investment managers for our distinct investment strategies. Unrestricted by proprietary investment funds, our team is free to source the most advantageous strategies for the sole benefit of our clients.
An investment portfolio should be relied upon to generate risk-adjusted returns appropriate for each client.
The most detrimental aspect to an investment portfolio over time is the introduction of undue, unnecessary risk. We employ risk management at every level of our investment process, from the initial assessment, to portfolio implementation, to ongoing oversight and rebalancing.
The majority of long-term investment performance is derived from a client’s strategic asset allocation; however, value can be added through an ability to initiate tactical investment moves within portfolios. At times, markets present inefficiencies that offer compelling opportunities for professional investors. We strive to take advantage of these market dislocations typically driven by investor behavioral biases.